Sunday, June 2, 2024

Mechanical Properties of Solids at a Glance

1. Stress is the restoring force per unit area and strain is the fractional change in dimension. In general there are three types of stresses (a) tensile stress — longitudinal stress (associated with stretching) or compressive stress (associated with compression), (b) shearing stress, and (c) hydraulic stress. 

2. For small deformations, stress is directly proportional to the strain for many materials. This is known as Hooke’s law. The constant of proportionality is called modulus of elasticity. Three elastic moduli viz., Young’s modulus, shear modulus and bulk modulus are used to describe the elastic behaviour of objects as they respond to deforming forces that act on them.
A class of solids called elastomers does not obey Hooke’s law.

3. When an object is under tension or compression, the Hooke’s law takes the form
F/A = Y∆L/L
where ∆L/L is the tensile or compressive strain of the object, F is the magnitude of the applied force causing the strain, A is the cross-sectional area over which F is applied (perpendicular to A) and Y is the Young’s modulus for the object. The stress is F/A.

4. A pair of forces when applied parallel to the upper and lower faces, the solid deforms so that the upper face moves sideways with respect to the lower. The horizontal displacement ∆L of the upper face is perpendicular to the vertical height L. This type of deformation is called shear and the corresponding stress is the shearing stress. This type of stress is possible only in solids.
In this kind of deformation the Hooke’s law takes the form
F/A = G × ∆L/L

where ∆L is the displacement of one end of object in the direction of the applied force F, and G is the shear modulus.

5. When an object undergoes hydraulic compression due to a stress exerted by a surrounding fluid, the Hooke’s law takes the form
p = B (∆V/V), 
where p is the pressure (hydraulic stress) on the object due to the fluid, ∆V/V (the volume strain) is the absolute fractional change in the object’s volume due to that pressure and B is the bulk modulus of the object.

6. In the case of a wire, suspended from celing and stretched under the action of a weight (F) suspended from its other end, the force exerted by the ceiling on it is equal and opposite to the weight. However, the tension at any cross-section A of the wire is just F and not 2F. Hence, tensile stress which is equal to the tension per unit area is equal to F/A.

7. Hooke’s law is valid only in the linear part of stress-strain curve.

8. The Young’s modulus and shear modulus are relevant only for solids since only solids have lengths and shapes.

9. Bulk modulus is relevant for solids, liquid and gases. It refers to the change in volume when every part of the body is under the uniform stress so that the shape of the body remains unchanged. 

10. Metals have larger values of Young’s modulus than alloys and elastomers. A material with large value of Young’s modulus requires a large force to produce small changes in its length. 

11. In daily life, we feel that a material which stretches more is more elastic, but it a is misnomer. In fact material which stretches to a lesser extent for a given load is considered to be more elastic.

12. In general, a deforming force in one direction can produce strains in other directions also. The proportionality between stress and strain in such situations cannot be described by just one elastic constant. For example, for a wire under longitudinal strain, the lateral dimensions (radius of cross section) will undergo a small change, which is described by another elastic constant of the material (called Poisson ratio).

13. Stress is not a vector quantity since, unlike a force, the stress cannot be assigned a specific direction. Force acting on the portion of a body on a specified side of a section has a definite direction.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Ideal-gas Equation and Absolute Temperature

Ideal-gas Equation and Absolute Temperature

Liquid-in-glass thermometers show different readings for temperatures other than the fixed points because of differing expansion properties. A thermometer that uses a gas, however, gives the same readings regardless of which gas is used. Experiments show that all gases at low densities exhibit same expansion behaviour. The variables that describe the behaviour of a given quantity (mass) of gas are pressure, volume, and temperature (P, V, and T)(where T = t + 273.15; t is the temperature in °C). When temperature is held constant, the pressure and volume of a quantity of gas are related as pv = constant.

Fig. 1
Pressure versus temperature of a low density gas kept at constant volume.  
This relationship is known as Boyle’s law, after Robert Boyle (1627–1691), the English Chemist who discovered it. When the pressure is held constant, the volume of a quantity of the gas is related to the temperature as V/T = constant. This relationship is known as Charles’ law, after French scientist Jacques Charles (1747–1823). Low-density gases obey these laws, which may be combined into a single relationship. Notice that since pV = constant and V/T = constant for a given quantity of gas, then pV/T should also be a constant. This relationship is known as ideal gas law. It can be written in a more general form that applies not just to a given quantity of a single gas but to any quantity of any low-density gas and is known as ideal-gas equation:
PV/T = µR
or PV = µRT ....... 1
where, µ is the number of moles in the sample of gas and R is called universal gas constant:
R = 8.31 J mol–1 K–1
In Eq. 1, we have learnt that the pressure and volume are directly proportional to temperature : PV ∝ T. This relationship allows a gas to be used to measure temperature in a constant volume gas thermometer. Holding the volume of a gas constant, it gives P ∝T. Thus, with a constant-volume gas thermometer, temperature is read in terms of pressure. A plot of pressure versus temperature gives a straight line in this case, as shown in Fig.1
However, measurements on real gases deviate from the values predicted by the ideal gas law at low temperature. But the relationship is linear over a large temperature range, and it looks as though the pressure might reach zero with decreasing temperature if the gas continued to be a gas. The absolute minimum temperature for an ideal gas, therefore, inferred by extrapolating the straight line to the axis, as in Fig. 10.3. This temperature is found to be 
– 273.15 °C and is designated as absolute zero. Absolute zero is the foundation of the Kelvin temperature scale or absolute scale temperature named after the British scientist Lord Kelvin. On this scale, – 273.15 °C is taken as the zero point, that is 0 K (Fig. 2). 
  Fig.2 A plot of pressure versus temperature and extrapolation of lines for low density gases indicates the same absolute zero temperature.  

  Fig.3 Comparision of the Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales.  
  The size of unit in Kelvin and Celsius temperature scales is the same. So, temperature on these scales are related by
T = tC + 273.15      (3)

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