Monday, August 14, 2023

Alphabet Reasoning

Alphabet Reasoning 

Type I: Word Formation From Letters of Another Word

In this type, you have to form words from specific letters of a given word. Next, you need to answer questions based on the new word/words formed. Below is an example.

Example Question 1: If it is possible to make a meaningful word with the fourth, the seventh, the eighth and the twelfth letters of the word “QUANTITATIVE”, which of the following will be the second letter of that word from the left end? If no such word can be made give ‘X’ as the answer and, if more than one such word can be made, give ‘M’ as the answer.
a) E b) M c) A d) X

The given word is,


Fourth letter in the word is – N
Seventh letter is – T
Eighth letter is – A
And twelfth letter is – E
The meaningful word you can form using the above letters is NEAT.
(Here, we can make only one word). So, the second letter from the left end is E.
Hence, the answer is Option a) E.

Type II: Letter Series

In this type, you have to find missing letters in a series. Let us see an example.

Example Question 2: What will come in the place of (?) in the following letter series?
EG, HJ, KM, NP, ?

The letters in the series are formed by using the logic,
G is the second letter from E.
The second term (‘HJ’) starts with the successive letter of G, i.e., H.
Below diagram will help you to understand the logic behind the series better.

So the next letter in the series is QS. (Q is the next successive letter of P and S is the second letter from Q).

Type III: Identifying Letters That Match Given Conditions

In this type, you have to identify letters based on certain conditions given in the question. Here is an example.

Example Question 3: How many pairs of letters are there in the word “QUANTITATIVE” which have as many letters between them as in the English alphabet series?

In the word, QUANTITATIVE you have to check for the pairs of letters that are in alphabet series.

In real alphabet series, the letters T and V have only one letter U between them.
In the word ‘QUANTITATIVE’ the letters T and V have only one letter I between them.
Therefore, TV is one such pair.

The other pair is AE. In the alphabet series, we have 3 letters between A and E., i.e., A, B, C, D and E.
Similarly, in the given word also, there are three letters between A and E.

Below diagram will help you to understand the solution better.

Hence, we have two such pair of letters (TV and AE).

Type IV: Arranging Words in Alphabetic Order

This type is the easiest of all. You have to arrange given words in alphabetical order and answer the corresponding questions.

Example Question 4: Arrange the following five words in alphabetical order as per dictionary then find which of the following word will come at the third place?
1) Music
2) Modern
3) Mobile
4) Manifest
5) Magic

First, we have to arrange the words in dictionary (alphabetical) order.
First, check the first letter of the given words,


Here all the words start with the letter M. Therefore we have to move to the second letter to arrange in order.


Based on the second letter, the words can be arranged as,
Here, the second letter of the words ‘Manifest’ and ‘Magic’ are same. Similarly, for ‘Modern’ and ‘Mobile’ the second letters are the same. In order, to find the proper arrangement we have to check with the third letter of these words.


Now the arrangement is,
The word that comes at the third place is ‘Mobile’.

Type V: Arrangement of Letters and Interpretation

In this type, you will find conditions based on which you have to arrange letters. Then you have to answer the questions based on the new arrangement. Below example will help you to understand clearly. (There are 3 sub questions to the below one.)

Example Question 5: Directions (i- iii) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Write the first 10 letters of above alphabets in reverse order, followed by next 6 letters, followed by remaining 10 letters in reverse order.

(i). Which letter will be the thirteenth to the right of the third letter from right?
Solution to sub-question (i):
First, we have to arrange the letters based on the condition given.
Step 1 : Arrange first 10 letters in reverse order.
Step 2: Next 6 letters should be followed as it is,
Step 3: The remaining 10 letters should be reversed

Now, we have arranged the alphabets according to the question.
Next, we have to find the thirteenth letter right to the third letter from your right. You can find it using the diagram(i) shown below.

The required letter is K.

(ii). Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
a) FDA b) LNZ c) PYV d) OZX e) WUR

Solution to sub question (ii):
In the arrangement we just created. (refer to diagram in sub-question (i))
Consider the first option ‘FDA. Here, D is the second letter from F and A is the third letter from D. The same logic is used to form all the terms except option d) OZX.
Below diagram will help you to understand the logic better.

(iii). How many letters are there in between letters F and O in the sequence?

Solution to sub-question (iii):
Based on our arrangement diagram (refer to the diagram in sub-question (i)), the letters in the sequence are,


The number of letters between F and O is 9.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Direction Sense

Direction Sense - Short-cut Tricks And Examples

Type I: Identify Direction (After Journey)

In this type, based on the conditions given, you have to construct a diagram. Based on your diagram, you have to identify the direction at final spot. Below example will help you to understand better.

Example Question 1: Rahul walks 5 km West, turns southeast and walks 8 km. Again, he turns towards northeast and walks 10 km and then turns to his right. In which direction from his starting point is he standing now?
a) East
b) West
c) Northeast
d) Southeast
Answer: c) Northeast


If you apply the conditions given in the question, you will get the below diagram.

From the above diagram, you can say that Rahul is in Northeast direction from his starting point.

Type II: Identify Distance When Start & Finish Points Are in Straight Line

In this type, you will be asked to find the distance between start and finish points. The conditions will be such that the final point will be in straight line with the starting point. Below is an example for this type.

Example Question 2: Sita started from her home towards North and covered a distance of 200 m and then turned to her right and walked 150 m. Then she again turned to her right and walked 75 m and finally she again turned to her right and walked 150 m. How far is she from her home?
a) 125 m
b) 200 m
c) 175 m
d) 150 m
Answer: b) 125 m

Based on the question, you will be able to draw the below diagram. As you can see, the starting point A is in straight line with the end point E.

As you know, the above diagram represents the total distance walked by Sita.
Now, we have to find the distance between Sita’s home and the place where she ends i.e., the distance of AE.
Here, AB = 200 m, CD = 75 m
Since CD and BE are parallel lines and BCDE is a rectangle, you can write BE = (CD =) 75 m.

Therefore, you can calculate AE as follows.
AE = AB – BE
= 200 – 75
=125 m.

Type III: Calculate Distance When Start & Finish Points Are NOT in Straight Line

This type is a slight extension of type 2. In this case, the start and finish points will not be in straight line. Below is an example.

Example Question 3: Kishore rides in his bicycle from his home 10 m towards north, then he turns right and travels 15 m, then turns left and travels 10 m and reaches his office. How far is the office from his home?
a) 100 m
b) 25 m
c) 75 m
d) 50 m
Answer: b) 25 m


We have to find the distance between Kishore’s home and office.
From the diagram, the distance to find is AD.
From Pythagoras formula,
AD2 = AE2 + ED2 ….. equation 1

But, from the above diagram, ED = EC + CD
ED = 10 + 10 (Because EC = AB = 10 and CD = 10)
= 20

Now you have to substitute the value of ED = 20, in equation 1.
AD2 = 152 + 202
AD2 = 625
AD = 25 m

Type IV: Calculating Direction/Distance When Turns Are Given in Degrees

This type is similar to the above types with one exception. In this case, the turns will be given in degrees. Now let us see an example.

In such problems, whenever you see “clockwise”, you have to understand that the person is turning “right”. Similarly, an “anti-clockwise” turn denotes a “left” turn.

Example Question 4: Gita runs towards north 5 km and from there turned 90˚ anti-clockwise and runs 4 km. Then she takes 135˚ turn clockwise and ran 2 km. Find the direction of Gita with respect to the starting point.
a) South west Region
b) North west Region
c) South east Region
d) North east Region
Answer: d) North east Region


You can easily draw the below diagram if you follow the question carefully.

Hence, the final direction is North East.



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